Can we get downloadable recordings of the sessions?
This module has been designed after many years of sadhana, study and hard work. The intention of these classes is to teach you to become independent practitioners so you can practice without the crutch of a teacher. If we know that we will be able to read or study something again, the chances of us paying full attention and making it a priority significantly reduce. Therefore, to keep the sanctity and value of this course, we will not be able to share permanent recordings.
In the past, people have uploaded our copyrighted content on their websites, and YouTube and shared it openly with their friends. This module needs to be followed for 21 days. The smallest of things need to be understood and experienced for the intended transformation to take place. But due to piracy, the value of this knowledge can be diluted.
Therefore, we request that you do not ask us for recordings but pay full attention to absorb the knowledge shared. Rest assured, you will get self-practice videos to continue your practice. We will also keep striving to bring you more asana videos over the next few months. When it comes to the workshop, please refrain from recording or sharing the content as it is illegal.