Yoga challenge Support Center

Shouldn't breakfast be the heaviest meal of the day?

Breakfast does not necessarily have to be a heavy meal. Let us answer your question in points -
1. If you eat a heavy breakfast, your energy in the morning will all go into digesting your food and therefore, while doing your work you will feel lazy, tired and sleepy. On the other hand, if you eat something light (such as fruits), less energy will go into its digestion and more will be available for you to work.
2. When you start a car, you don’t immediately set it on 5th gear. You start with 1st gear and gradually move upto 5th gear. Same with our body. Start with juices. Then eat fruits for breakfast, and your main grain meal for lunch, finishing with a light dinner.

3. Our ancestors never believed in this "Breakfast of the Champions" theory. In fact, Brahamans in the past used to fast till 12pm, and before that, they used to finish all their major chores. Students used to eat their first meal at noon, after finishing their studies, so that their energy does not get sapped in digestion.
Even Lord Jesus explains in the Essene Gospel of Peace how eating more than twice a day or eating at the wrong time can lead to diseases.
“Trouble not the work of the angels in your body by eating often. For I tell you truly, he who eats more than twice in the day does in him the work of Satan. And the angels of God leaves his body, and soon Satan will take possession of it. Eat only when the sun is highest in the heavens, and again when it is set. And you will never see disease, for such finds favor in the eyes of the Lord.”
4. This theory of eating a heavy breakfast has been left upon us by the Western influence. It is formed by self-proclaimed doctors and nutritionists. Nowhere in our scriptures is heavy eating advocated.
5. Don’t Listen to Cereal Companies - It is a well-known fact that our nutritional curriculum is largely funded by large cereal companies and food lobbies. How does a cereal company sell their products? By portraying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and how it can be detrimental to our health if we skip it. This induces fear in us and that’s how we began prioritizing breakfast irrespective of whether our own body needed it or not.

6. In the morning, your stomach is still busy digesting the last bits of your dinner. If you eat a heavy meal in the morning, stomach will leave digestion of dinner in between and start digesting the new breakfast that has entered, thus leaving the dinner undigested. Undigested food does not exit from the body and is the root cause of many diseases.
Once you start aligning your eating habits with what your body tells you to do, you will start realizing how 16 hour fasting (which unfortunately is becoming a weight loss fad diet) comes so naturally to us. 16 hour fasting is the most natural way of eating because it respects the two phases in our body. You eat your first meal of the day only when you are genuinely hungry.
So, the breakfast advice differs person to person and day to day. It is so important to get in tune with your bodies because once you learn this, it will become your way of life. It’s important to know that something as simple as this natural process will be the reason for your lifestyle, health, weight, acidity, immunity and everything else related to your overall well being.