Yoga challenge Support Center

Can mental diseases be cured through the Satvic lifestyle?

Oftentimes, mental diseases arise due to the brain being encumbered with toxins. Following the Satvic lifestyle will definitely & drastically improve the condition. 

We recommend that you follow the 10 steps that we have suggested in the document attached below. It outlines a morning plan along with a diet chart. 

Step 1 is fasting. To start with, we recommend you to do 16-hour fasting every night. Fasting not only helps in clearing the physical body of toxins but also helps in clearing the mind of toxins. When your mind is cleaned through fasting, you will experience vibrant health, extreme mental clarity, feel amazingly calm & at peace. This will enable you to function at levels you never thought possible. Your ideas will flow through. Along with 16-hour fasting, also include 1-day juice fasting every week, or a 3-day juice fast once in every 6 months. On this day, consume nothing but fresh vegetable juices, water & homemade herbal teas. 

Secondly, sungazing will also help significantly. As described in our YouTube video, look at the sun with your bare naked eyes for about 20 minutes every morning (when the sun is not strong - within 1 hour of sunrise). Our eyes are an extended part of the brain. They are windows for the brain. When we look at the sun, powerful photons of energy are released from the sun, which goes straight into our brain through our eyes. This new solar energy in the brain clears all blockages & removes all accumulated toxins. Sungazing is a powerful way to clear the brain, increase concentration & feel happier. 

Thirdly, adopt the Satvic food system - lots of fruits, vegetables, juices, coconut & coconut water. Stop everything processed, fried, denatured, over-cooked, stale food. Quit all animal foods. This will allow your intestines to get fully cleansed from inside. There’s a direct correlation between our gut (intestines) & our mind. When we clear up the intestines, the gut automatically gets clear. This is corroborated by an old Indian saying ‘Jaisa Ann, Waisa Mann’. If we eat dead food, of course, we will have dead thoughts. If we eat living foods, no doubt we’ll have living, positive thoughts! 

Another way to cleanse the intestines & thus the mind is through an enema. This has also been explained in detail in our YouTube videos. 

Lastly, don’t forget pranayama & physical exercise! Pranayama supplies oxygen to the brain and plays an important role in bringing us calmness & reducing mental worries. Practice 15 minutes of pranayama religiously every morning, after your physical exercise routine. You will benefit even more from physical exercise if you do it out in the sun, so you can also sunbathe while exercising. Preferably, do something that brings balance & strength in the mind - yoga rather than gym training. 

All of this being said, it is also important to have spiritual wisdom in order to keep our mind happy & at peace. For this, we recommend you seek a spiritual master who can deliver to you the knowledge of our Vedas, of the Bhagavad Gita. Ultimately, it is only the love of God that frees our minds from all mental afflictions - fear, stress, worry, or anxiety.

Assuming Sunrise at 7:00 AM 



Learn Here

6:45 AM - 7:00 AM

Get fresh

Step 1

7:00 AM - 7:10 AM

Roll the wet pack on

body for the next 30 minutes

To learn how to apply the Wetpack, click on the link below

Step 2

7:10 AM - 7:20 AM

Sungazing (10 minutes)

To learn how to Sungaze, click on the link below

Step 3

7:20 AM - 7:35 AM

Pranayama (15 minutes)

To learn how to do Pranayama, click on the link below

Step 4

7:35 - 8:20 AM

Workout + Sunbathing (45 minutes) 

Do brisk walking/jogging in the fresh open sun, so that you can receive the benefit of sunbathing while exercising. Avoid exercising indoors, unless it is very cold outside.

Click on the link below to learn how to Sunbathe properly -

Step 5

8:30 - 8:45 AM

Take Enema (with 300 ml water) 

To learn how to take an enema, click on the link below

Step 6

9 AM

Drink 300 ml of ash gourd juice. If ash gourd is not available, have coconut water.

To learn how to make Ash gourd juice, click on the link below

Step 7

11 AM


Eat 1 plate full of fresh seasonal fruits. Eat water-rich fruits such as melons, papaya, grapes, pears, apples, orange. Avoid banana as it is water-poor in nature. 

Step 8

1 PM


Two Satvic chapatis with three bowls of Satvic sabzi. 

To learn Satvic chapati, click on the link below

To learn Satvic Sabzi, click on the link below 

Step 9

4 PM


Any fresh seasonal Juice (such as ash gourd juice/coconut water)

Step 10

7 PM 


Satvic Soup (any one) and/or Satvic Salad (any one). 

To learn Satvic soup, click on the link below 

To learn Satvic salad, click on the link below