Yoga challenge Support Center

I am experiencing Gas/ flatulence after following the lifestyle. Why is this?

If gas is being formed even after 1-2 months of following the lifestyle, it means that you not doing something right. Please check the following:


1) Are you eating food in the right combinations? You may be eating the right food, but not combining it properly. - Make sure to have your breakfast as a mono fruit. Additionally, we must never combine fruits that are not from the same family. For instance, apple with banana. 

- Please do not mix liquids with solids. It is as a rule not good to combine solid and liquid in one meal, it results in imperfect digestion causing gas formation.

- Please do not have water with the meal. Instead, have water 2 hours after and 1 hour before a meal

- Please do not mix fruits with cooked food

- Also do not mix raw and cooked food as they require different digestive enzymes. Cooked food will be digested first and raw foods will remain undigested and putrefy, leading to gas and acidity. 

- Do not eat too many dishes together and keep it simple by having only 1-2 types of dishes at a time

 2) Are you eating the right quantity of Satvic food? Gas is often created by overeating as well. To ensure you are not overeating, you should check how fast/slow you eat. One must eat slowly, chewing every bite and ensuring that the saliva is mixing well with the food. This would maximum assimilation and easy digestion. 

- We should also eat our food mindfully, without any distractions.

 3) Are you exercising? Oftentimes when one is not exercising, gas is formed. And many times, simple walking or yoga is not enough. Whatever exercise you are doing, you should add 1/2 hour of cardio based exercises such as jogging, running, dancing, jumping, etc

 4) To get relief from gas, please take wet packs 2-3 times a day. In addition, you can also do enemas on the days you are experiencing gas.