Yoga challenge Support Center

I have pain in my neck after practising yoga. What can I do?

Please ensure that your body is warm while practising yoga. As we have shared in the live classes, if the body and the environment are not warm, the chances of pulling something are higher. For now, please take rest and avoid practising. Additionally, you can do alternate hot and cold fomentation around the painful part. Simply dip a cotton cloth and hot water and place them around the neck for 2-3 minutes. Then dip a cloth in cold water and wrap it around the neck for 2-3 minutes. Continue this process for about 10-15 minutes. Finally, leave a cold wet pack on for another 5-10 minutes. You can do this entire process 2-3 times a day for faster relief. Also, please expose the painful area to sunlight for 60-90 minutes each day. Once you recover, you can resume your practice slowly.